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TI-RTOS Processor SDK for OMAP-L138, OMAP-L132 and C6748, C6746, C6742 (No design support from TI available. Refer to Overview- RTOS Highlights for details.)

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Aktuelle Version
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 18.04.2020
ARM-basierte Prozessoren
OMAP-L138 C674x Fließkomma-DSP + Arm9-Prozessor mit geringem Stromverbrauch – bis zu 456MHz
Digitale Signalprozessoren (DSPs)
TMS320C6742 Energieeffizienter C674x-Fließkomma-DSP, 200 MHz TMS320C6746 C674x Fließkomma-DSP mit geringem Stromverbrauch – 456MHz TMS320C6748 Energieeffizienter C674x-Fließkomma-DSP – 456 MHz, SATA
TMDSLCDK138 OMAP-L138-Entwicklungskit (LCDK) TMDSLCDK6748 TMS320C6748 DSP-Entwicklungskit (LCDK)


Code Composer Studio IDE for Windows Host

Code Composer Studio IDE for Linux Host

Additional software elements not included in SDK

Link to Release Notes for Processor SDK RTOS

Link to Getting Started Guide for Processor SDK RTOS

Link to Developer Guide for Processor SDK RTOS

Software Manifest of Components Inside the SDK


  • The SDK includes a real-time multitasking kernel, FAT file system, nework communications support, examples, and drivers
  • The exact content of the SDK depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability and quality
  • The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment


Thank you for your interest in the OMAP-L138/C674x Processor Software Development Kit (SDK) for a real-time operating system (RTOS). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.