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Latest version
Release date: Dec 5, 2023
Power modules (integrated inductor)
TPSM843320 4-V to 18-V input, advanced current mode, 3-A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module TPSM843320E 4V to 18V input, 3A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module with extended temperature TPSM843620 4-V to 18-V input, advanced current mode, 6-A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module TPSM843620E 4V to 18V input, 6A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module with extended temperature TPSM843820 4-V to 18-V input, advanced current mode, 8-A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module TPSM843820E 4V to 18V input, 8A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module with extended temperature

Release Information

The CALC-TOOL-TPSM843X20 is a calculator that helps users calculate parameters and verify the design. This calculator tool can be used for TPSM843320, TPSM843620 and TPSM843820.