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DRV84xxEVM software

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Latest version
Release date: Jul 26, 2020
Stepper motor drivers
DRV8425 35V, 2A bipolar stepper motor driver with integrated current sensing and 1/256 microstepping
Hardware development
Evaluation board
DRV8424EEVM DRV8424 PHASE/EN control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8424EVM DRV8424 STEP/DIR control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8424PEVM DRV8424 PWM control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8426EEVM DRV8426 PHASE/EN control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8426EVM DRV8426 STEP/DIR control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8426PEVM DRV8426P motor driver evaluation module DRV8434EEVM DRV8434 PHASE/EN control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8434EVM DRV8434 STEP/DIR control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8434PEVM DRV8434 PWM control interface stepper motor driver board DRV8436EVM DRV8436 stepper drivers evaluation module

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