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mmWave studio GUI tools for third-generation parts (xWRLx432)

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Latest version
Release date: 07 Dec 2022
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Automotive mmWave radar sensors
AWRL1432 Single-chip low-power 76GHz to 81GHz automotive mmWave radar sensor AWRL6432 Single-chip low-power 57-GHz to 64-GHz automotive mmWave radar sensor
Industrial mmWave radar sensors
IWRL6432 Single-chip low-power 57-GHz to 64-GHz industrial mmWave radar sensor
Hardware development
Evaluation board
AWRL1432BOOST AWRL1432 evaluation module for single-chip low-power 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor AWRL6432BOOST AWRL6432BOOST BoosterPack™ evaluation module for single-chip low-power mmWave radar sensor IWRL6432BOOST IWRL6432 BoosterPack™ evaluation module for single-chip 60GHz mmWave low-power sensor DCA1000EVM DCA1000 evaluation module for real-time data capture and streaming

Release Information

mmWave Studio GUI is designed to characterize and evaluate TI mmWave sensor devices. This package includes the GUI, associated tools and firmware for the performance evaluation of TI mmWave sensor devices. For more information please refer to the MMWAVE Studio User Guide and Release note.

This version supports the following device variants - AWRL6432 and IWRL6432.