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MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA Code Examples

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Release date: Mar 11, 2020
MSP430 microcontrollers
MSP430F5418A 25-MHz MCU with 128-KB Flash, 16-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer, HW multiplier MSP430F5419A 25-MHz MCU with 128KB Flash, 16KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer, HW multiplier MSP430F5435A 25-MHz MCU with 192-KB Flash, 16-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer, HW multiplier MSP430F5436A 25-MHz MCU with 192-KB Flash, 16KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer, HW multiplier MSP430F5437A 25-MHz MCU with 256-KB Flash, 16-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer and HW multiplier MSP430F5438A 25-MHz MCU with 256-KB flash, 16-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer, HW multiplier

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