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DRV-USB-COM Board Firmware

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Latest version
Release date: Aug 17, 2016
Hardware development
Evaluation board
DRV2604EVM-CT DRV2604EVM-CT eval for Haptic Driver for ERM/LRA with Waveform Memory and Smart Loop Architecture DRV2604LDGSEVM-M DRV2604L Haptics Smart Loop Algorithm and Integrated RAM for Customized Waveform Breakout Board DRV2604LEVM-CT DRV2604L ERM and LRA Haptics Evaluation Kit DRV2605EVM-CT DRV2605EVM-CT ERM/LRA Haptic Driver Evaluation DRV2605LDGSEVM-M DRV2605L Breakout Board with Haptics Smart Loop Algorithm and TouchSense 2200™ Effects Library DRV2605LEVM-CT DRV2605L ERM and LRA Haptics Evaluation Kit DRV2624EVM-MINI DRV2624 Breakout Board for ERM / LRA Haptics DRV2625EVM-MINI DRV2625 Breakout Board for ERM / LRA Haptics DRV2667EVM-CT EVM for Piezo Haptic Driver with Boost, Digital Front End, and Internal Waveform Memory

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