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UCC2817/17A, UCC2818/18A, UCC3817/17A, UCC3818/18A MathCAD file

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Release date: Jul 29, 2008
AC/DC & DC/DC controllers (external FET)
UCC2817 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 16V/10V UVLO, -40°C to 85°C UCC2817A 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 16V/10V UVLO and Smaller Gate Drive Resistor, -40°C to 85°C UCC2818 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 10.5V/10V UVLO, -40°C to 85°C UCC2818A 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 10.5V/10V UVLO and Smaller Gate Drive Resistor, -40°C to 85°C UCC3817 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 16V/10V UVLO, 0°C to 70°C UCC3817A 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 16V/10V UVLO and Smaller Gate Drive Resistor, 0°C to 70°C UCC3818 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 10.5V/10V UVLO, 0°C to 70°C UCC3818A 6kHz-220kHz CCM PFC controller with 10.5V/10V UVLO and Smaller Gate Drive Resistor, 0°C to 70°C

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