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MCU+ SDK for AM243x - RTOS, No-RTOS with limited support

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Última versión
Fecha de publicación: 9/02/2023

MCU PLUS SDK Windows Installer

Suma de comprobación MD5

MCU PLUS SDK Linux Installer

Suma de comprobación MD5
lock = Requiere aprobación de exportación (1 minuto)


Documentation - START HERE

Download CCS 12.1.0 Version for Windows or Linux

Download TI ARM CLANG 2.1.2 LTS for Windows or Linux

Información de la versión

Thank you for your interest in the AM243x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.

  • This is limitied support release and meant to provide early access of features and bug fixes. Limted testing is done on this release.
  • This SDK support AM243x EVM and AM243x LP. Networking examples are validated with rev 3 for AM243x-LP
  • The SDK includes a real-time multitasking kernel, network communications support, examples, and drivers.
  • The exact content of the SDK depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability and quality.
  • The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment.


  • Tamagawa Multi Channel
  • HDSL FREE RUN MODE based on 300 MHz PRU-ICSS Core Clock Frequency
  • Enable EnDat multi-channel using load share mode in PRU-ICSS
  • EnDat Safety Readiness: Recovery Time Measurement
  • UART Errata i2310 workaround