BDE-3P-LE2340 modules are Bluetooth® 5.3 Low Energy wireless modules based on the CC2340R. With their low cost and exceptional RF and power consumption performance, these modules are ideal for applications that are cost-sensitive and require extended battery life. Multiple variants are available to meet diverse integration needs, offering three antenna options: an ANT pin for an external antenna, a U.FL connector for an external antenna, and an integrated PCB trace antenna. The operating temperature range is -40℃ to +85℃, with an extended range of -40℃ to +105℃ for the '-IN' (extended industrial) variants. The modules come with different memory options: 512KB or 256KB for flash, 12KB or 26KB for RAM, and variants with embedded 32Mbit SPI flash memory for additional storage requirements. Depending on the variant, users can access up to 26 or 12 GPIOs.
- Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.3
- Integrated 48-MHz Arm Cortex-M0+ processor supporting BLE 5.3, ZigBee, SimpleLink TI 15.4-stack and Proprietary systems
- 256 KB of in-system programmable flash
- Backwards compatibility and support for key features from Bluetooth 4.2 and earlier LE specifications
- Antenna options:
- External antenna
- U.FL Connector
- Integrated PCB
- Operating Temperature:
- -40 to 85°C
- -40 to 105°C
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