DAC9881 評価モジュール
The DAC9881EVM is a simple evaluation module designed for quick and easy evaluation of the functionality and performance of the 18-bit, voltage-output, single-channel serial input DAC9881. The DAC9881EVM is designed to work by default for unipolar output range, but it can also be configured for bipolar output range with the addition of an external amplifier and some resistors. The option for bipolar mode of operation is included in the EVM with some minor jumper configuration. A +5-V precision voltage reference is provided to supply the necessary external reference voltage to set the DAC9881 output range. The voltage reference configuration implemented on this EVM uses the Kelvin connection feature of the DAC9881 device. This connection helps minimize the internal errors caused by the changing reference current and its associated circuit impedances.
- Bipolar and Unipolar mode of operation is supported
- An external +5V precision reference is included in a SO-8 package that is pin compatible with many different reference devices
- Kelvin sense connection is implemented in the reference circuit
- Test points included to allow users own external reference to be supplied to the DAC9881
- Flexible power supplies for AVDD and IOVDD
- Compatible with the TI Modular EVM System
- Daisy chaining multiple EVMs is supported