Green Hills Software MULTI Integrated Development Environment


提供元: Green Hills Software


The MULTI® development environment has been in use by thousands of developers for three decades and is the industry’s unrivaled integrated development environment to create, debug, and optimize C, C++ and Ada  code for production-focused applications.  It brings together best-in-class components that reduce the time to find and fix bugs and to more quickly spot and remove performance bottlenecks, while meeting industry functional safety requirements.

MULTI contains an advanced debugger for heterogenous multicore systems and when combined with the History system event viewer and TimeMachine reverse execution tools, users can run and debug an application back in time to find and fix the most difficult bugs in minutes.

MULTI also seamlessly integrates the Green Hills JTAG and Trace Probe, profiler, simulator, run-time error checker, MISRA C Adherence Checker, project builder and more.
Also integrated are the Green Hills Optimizing Compilers that generate the fastest and smallest production-quality code.  The toolchain and run-time libraries are certified to meet functional safety levels for industry standards ISO 26262, IEC 61508 and EN 50128/ 50657.



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