アンプ製品 SelGuide ソフトウェア




Selguide is a software tool designed to guide the user in selecting our Operational Amplifier, Buffer and Comparator products by enabling the user to enter in a few key parameters and have a list of devices meeting those parameters returned to them.

Included in the results is a summary table of key device parameters and pricing information, as well as a link back to view our Web site product folders for the chosen devices (You must have a Web browser and a live Internet connection to view the web pages).

Installation of the Selguide software is simple and painless. Selguide does not add to or modify your system files at all and is completely self contained within one folder. Selguide fits nicely in a corner of your Desktop or Laptop PC for easy future reference.

We hope you will find this a handy tool for use in selecting our Amplifier products.

ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
その他の技術資料 Amplifier Product Selection Guide Software Instructions and FAQ 2012/03/09


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