PCM4222 評価モジュール(EVM)
The PCM4222EVM provides a convenient platform for evaluating the performance and functionality of the PCM4222 device. When used in connection with commonly available audio test equipment, the PCM422EVM provides a complete environment for evaluating the functionality and performance of the PCM4222 integrated circuit. Each analog input is buffered by an input circuit employing the OPA1632 fully differential audio amplifier. These amplifiers are selected for their low noise and distortion, and contain fully-differential input-to-output architecture.
- Simple configuration using switches and power-supply jumpers
- Two Texas Instruments DIT4192 digital audio interface transmitters to provide AES3-encoded output data
- Two onboard crystal oscillators provide support for common audio sampling rates
- Light emitting diodes (LED) overflow indicators for the left and right audio channels
- A buffered data port header provides one-bit Direct Stream Digital (DSD) output data and the associated bit clock for the DSD output
オーディオ ADC
= TI が選択した主要ドキュメント
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