SN65HVD22EVM、 評価モジュール




The SN65HVD22EVM evaluation module (EVM) helps you develop and analyze data transmission systems using our SN65HVD2x family of devices. This series of devices, including the SN65HVD20, SN65HVD21, SN65HVD22, SN65HVD23 and SN65HVD24, complies with TIA/EIA-485. These devices also use the industry standard 176 and 180 footprint, allowing standard devices such as the SN75176 or SN75ALS180 to be installed onto the EVM. The SN65HVD22EVM has the SN65HVD22 transceiver installed on the EVM, however other SN65HVD2x devices can be sampled and be added to the EVM PWB. This EVM lets you quickly, easily and accurately evaluate our SN65HVD2x family of RS-485 products. The PWB also facilitates different medium interconnections and the use of various transmission topologies.

The EVM can be used to evaluate device parameters while acting as a guide for board layout. The board allows for the connection of a 100-Ω controlled impedance cable of varying lengths. This provides the designer with a functional tool for his circuit evaluation that will facilitate the successful first-pass design of an end product.

  • Hardware: SN65HVD22 EVM PWB
  • Screw-type SMA jacks and Bergstik headers serve as the I/O connections
  • Banana jacks serve as the DC power input terminals
RS-485 と RS-422 の各トランシーバ
SN65HVD20 拡張同相モード、RS-485 トランシーバ SN65HVD21 拡張同相モード、RS-485 トランシーバ SN65HVD22 拡張同相モード、RS-485 トランシーバ SN65HVD23 拡張同相モード、RS-485 トランシーバ SN65HVD24 拡張同相モード、RS-485 トランシーバ SN65HVD37 低消費電力、3.3V、全二重 RS-485 ドライバ / レシーバ
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



SN65HVD22EVM — SN65HVD22EVM、 評価モジュール

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種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
* EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) SN65HVD22EVM User's Guide 2003年 3月 14日
データシート SN65HVD2x 拡張同相モード RS-485 トランシーバ データシート (Rev. G 翻訳版) PDF | HTML 英語版 (Rev.G) PDF | HTML 2022年 10月 17日
証明書 SN65HVD22EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2019年 1月 2日


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