SN65MLVD2-3EVM Evaluation Module




The SN65MLVD2 and SN65MLVD3 are single-channel M-LVDS receivers. These devices are designed in full compliance with the TIA/EIA-899 (M-LVDS) standard, which are optimized to operate at signaling rates up to250 Mbps. Each receiver channel is controlled by a receive enable (/RE). When /RE = low, the corresponding channel is enabled; when /RE = high, the corresponding channel is disabled.

The M-LVDS standard defines two types of receivers, designated as Type-1 and Type-2. Type-1 receivers (SN65MLVD2) have thresholds centered about zero with 25 mV of hysteresis to prevent output oscillations withloss of input; Type-2 receivers (SN65MLVD3) implement a failsafe by using an offset threshold. Receiver outputs are slew rate controlled to reduce EMI and crosstalk effects associated with large current surges.

The devices are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C.

  • Low-Voltage Differential 30Ω to 55Ω Line Data and Clock Receivers for Signaling Rates† up to Transmission via Backplanes and Cables 250 Mbps; Clock Frequencies up to 125 MHz
  • SN65MLVD2 Type-1 Receiver Incorporates 25 mV of Input Threshold Hysteresis
  • SN65MLVD3 Type-2 Receiver Provides 100 mV Offset Threshold to Detect Open-Circuit and Idle-Bus Conditions
  • Wide Receiver Input Common-Mode VoltageRange, -1 V to 3.4 V, Allows 2 V of Ground Noise
  • Improved VIT (35 mV)
  • Meets or Exceeds the M-LVDS StandardTIA/EIA-899 for Multipoint Topology
  • High Input Impedance with Low SupplyVoltage
  • Bus-Pin HBM ESD Protection Exceeds 9 kV
  • Packaged in 8-Pin SON (DRB) 70% SmallerThan 8-Pin SOIC

† The signaling rate of a line is the number of voltage transitions that are made per second, expressed in the units bps (bits per second).

SN65MLVD2 シングルチャネル M-LVDS Type-1 レシーバ SN65MLVD201 半二重 M-LVDS トランシーバ SN65MLVD204A 半二重 M-LVDS トランシーバ SN65MLVD3 1 チャネル M-LVDS Type-2 レシーバ
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



SN65MLVD2-3EVM — SN65MLVD2-3EVM Evaluation Module

TI の評価品に関する標準契約約款が適用されます。


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種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
証明書 SN65MLVD2-3EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2019年 1月 2日
EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) Mulitpoint-Low Voltage Differential Sgnaling (M-LVDS) EVM 2007年 6月 29日


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