THS4130 evaluation module




The THS4130EVM is a good example of PCB design and layout for high-speed operational amplifier applications. It is a complete circuit for the high-speed operational amplifier. The EVM is mad eof the THS4130 high-speed operational amplifier, a number of passive components, and various featues and footprints that enable the user to experiment, test, and verify varous operational amplifier circuit implementations. The board measures 4.5 inces in length by 2.5 inces in width. Initially, this board is populated for a single-ended input amplifier. The outputs (Vo+ af Vo-) can be tested differentially or single ended. Gain is set to one and can be changed by changing the ratios of the feedback and gain resistors (see the device datasheet for recommended resistor values). The user may populate various footprints on the evaluation module board to verify filter designs or perform other experiments. Each input is terminated with a 50-ohm resistor to provide correct line-impedance matching.

This device is CE compliant.

  • Voltage supply operation range: 5 V to +/-15 V operation (see the device data sheet)
  • Single and differential input and output capability
  • Nominal 50-ohm input and output termination resistors. They can be configured according to the application requirement.
  • Vocm direct input control (see schematic and the device data sheet)
  • Vocm pin can be controlled via transformer center-tap (see schematic)
  • Shutdown pin control, JU1 (if applicable to the device, see the device data sheet)
  • Input and output transformer footprints for changing single-ended signals to differential signals
  • Footprint for high-precision, balanced feedback and gain resistors (0.01% or better)
  • Footprints for low-pass filter implementation (see application note SLOA054)
  • Footprints for antialiasing filter implementation (see application note SLOA054
  • Differential probe terminals on input and output nodes for differential probe insertion
  • Various GND and signal test points on the PCB
  • Circuit schematic printed on the back of the EVM
  • A good example of high-speed amplifier PCB design and layout
THS4130 シャットダウン機能搭載、150MHz、完全差動入出力、低ノイズのアンプ
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



THS4130EVM — THS4130 evaluation module

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= TI が選択した主要ドキュメント
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種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
* EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) THS4130 EVM User's Guide for High-Speed Fully-Differential Amplifier 2001年 1月 26日
データシート THS413x 高速、低ノイズ、完全差動 I/O アンプ データシート (Rev. L 翻訳版) PDF | HTML 英語版 (Rev.L) PDF | HTML 2023年 11月 8日
証明書 THS4130EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2019年 1月 2日


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