Bluetooth® Low Energy ビーコンのリファレンス・デザイン
This reference design discusses Bluetooth® low energy beacons and provides sample projects for three different beacon broadcasting formats: iBeacon™ location and proximity detection technology, Eddystone™ and a proprietary protocol. With the flexibility of the TI BLE-Stack 2.2 software running on TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth low energy wireless microcontrollers (MCUs), it allows the customer to choose the format that will best fit their design regarding connectable vs. non-connectable advertisements and what information should be included in those packets.
There are many formats that are being used for beacon applications today, so having three possibilities allows developers to create beacons which are compatible with more products. Applications include micro-location services and asset tracking, as well as other Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This design is very low power and easy-to-use, and provides sample projects that can easily be modified and extended for various applications, for both connectable and non-connectable beacons.
- Runs on the SimpleLink Bluetooth low energy CC2640 wireless MCU
- Uses the TI Royalty-Free BLE-Stack Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Easily runs on the SimpleLink CC2650 LaunchPad™ development kit
- Offers generic projects that can be modified to fit various applications
- Very long battery life and excellent RF range