TPS43331-Q1 CAL ツール




The worksheet is designed for use with Microsoft Excel 2007. It intends to assist circuit designer in their day-to-day calculations.

This worksheet includes two segments:

Calculate the minimum requirements for different components to guarantee the input voltage, output voltage or other parameters can meet the design specifications. A user configurable table is provided to be filled with chosen components by designer. All calculated results will be shown in the "Estimated Specifications" table.

This worksheet offers AC analysis of TPS43331-Q1. Calculation of selection of components is shown in the "Chosen Value" column. User is also freely to put in other values to carry out a specified design. Comparison metric is also provided to give a glance for phase margin and cross over frequency with different compensation network.

Step 1: General requirements of system : Enter in desired input voltage, output voltage, maximum output current, output voltage ripple and switching frequency values at this stage.

Step 2: "Calculation" column provides estimation for different components based on the specifications provided in the Step 1.Based on calculation results (worst situation without margin), enter the value for the components selected for design.

Step 3: Here shows a comparison of main parameters(output ripple voltage, maximum current, inductor current ripple etc...) between calculation and chosen results. If there is any specification exceeds expectation (current ripple etc...), then please go back to Step 2 "Chosen" to adjust component value to meet the requirement.

Step 4: Compensation network design stage. "Calculation" provides the recommended values for Type II and Type III compensation separately. Based on "Calculation", fill in chosen components in "Chosen". At the same time, re-calculate recommended values are shown on "Calculation with chosen" to meet specified cross over frequency.

Step 5: The bandwidth and phase margin can be checked simultaneously when the component in compensation network varied. If the estimated values are beyond the expectation. Please go back to Step 5 and adjust values.

Step 6: The detail of the pole and zero are shown in this stage. This table can help designer to determine how to optimize phase margin and bandwidth by tuning the position of poles and zeros.

ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



TPS43331-Q1-DESIGN-CAL-TOOL TPS43331-Q1 Design Calculation Tool



マルチチャネル IC (PMIC)
TPS43331-Q1 車載向け 5V ~ 30V、デュアル LDO とデュアル同期整流降圧コントローラ

TPS43331-Q1-DESIGN-CAL-TOOL TPS43331-Q1 Design Calculation Tool

リリース日: 20 6 2013
マルチチャネル IC (PMIC)
TPS43331-Q1 車載向け 5V ~ 30V、デュアル LDO とデュアル同期整流降圧コントローラ


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