UCC28019AEVM 評価モジュール
The UCC28019A evaluation module (EVM) is a 350 W off-line Power Factor Correction (PFC) boost converter providing a 390 V regulated output at 0.9 A of load current. The PFC converter accommodates an input voltage range of 85 VAC to 265 VAC and uses average current mode control at a fixed frequency of 65 kHz. The UCC28019A incorporates a wide range of protection features to ensure safe system operation. The UCC28019AEVM highlights the many benefits of using the UCC28019A Continuous Current Mode PFC Controller. The controller operates under average current mode control at a fixed frequency of 65 kHz. Simple external current and voltage loop compensation, along with advanced protection features, make this controller ideal for server and desktop power supplies, telecom rectifiers, and home electronics. This user’s guide provides the schematic, component list, assembly drawing for a single-sided printed circuit board application, and test set up necessary to evaluate the UCC28019A in a typical PFC application.
Applications:The UCC28019A is suited for use in high-power off-line systems requiring high-efficiency and advanced fault protection features including:
- Server and desktop power supplies
- Telecom rectifiers
- Home electronics
- 350-W, 390-V output
- Universal off-line input voltage range
- Average current mode PWM control
- Fixed 65-kHz oscillator frequency
- Cycle-by-cycle peak current limiting
- VCC under-voltage lockout
- Voltage regulation open-loop detection
- Output under-voltage protection
- Output over-voltage protection
- AC input brown-out protection
- Enhanced dynamic response
- Soft-start