GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
0.47 インチ以下のアレイを使用する Pico 製品
- Information page lets user get the status of the EVM
- Patterns and images page lets user set display patterns and images to the device and check which pattern is displayed
- Video and color page lets user modify the type of video output given to the device and choose from select color temperatures
- Display page lets user modify display and keystone settings
- IntelliBright™ technology page lets user modify IntelliBright settings and LED current settings
- Firmware page lets users update the firmware on the device
Know Issues
- The following OpCode commands are not supported in the Advanced Mode GUI: 27h, 28h, 29h, 2Ah, 39h, 3Ah, B6h, B7h, BAh, D2h, and DCh
- SW2 button press may not respond if commands are being sent to the MSPM0 and DLPC3421 controller
- The firmware backup page is not supported