MCU PLUS SDK Windows Installer
MCU PLUS SDK Linux Installer
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SysConfig Windows Installer
SysConfig Linux Installer
Thank you for your interest in the AM243x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.
- This SDK support AM243x EVM and AM243x LP PROC109E2 board revision. Networking examples are validated with E3 rev for AM243x-LP
- The SDK includes a real-time multitasking kernel, network communications support, examples, and drivers.
- The exact content of the SDK depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability and quality.
- The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment.
- DDR 1 bit and 2 bit inline ECC support and example
- Firewall Driver support, Crypto (SA2UL) driver support for HS devices
- ICCSG switch support
- Ethernet (CPSW) dual mac/multiple netif support, multi-channel support, TCP/IP Checksum offload and Tx scatter Gather
- Ethernet Bare metal support
- Enet (CPSW and ICSSG) SysConfig support for MDIO, MAC PORT, ALE, Phy configurations etc
- Ethernet (CPSW) EST example, PTP Timesync demo support in Enet CPSW TimeSync PTP Demo example
- MCU Reset isolation, example demonstrating MCU Reset isolation with IPC between MAIN and MCU cores
- FreeRTOS Interrupt Nesting support