



SimpleLink™ family of devices Matter software

バージョン: 1.2-1.0
リリース日: 11 9 2024
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
CC1354P10 1MB フラッシュと 296KB SRAM とパワー アンプ内蔵、SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 マルチバンド ワイヤレス マイコン
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
CC2674P10 1MB フラッシュとパワー アンプ搭載、SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス マイコン CC2674R10 1MB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス マイコン


Release Information

The SimpleLink™ Matter links to the Texas Instruments GitHub repository that contains all the software development tools that enable engineers to develop Matter Accessory Device and is the starting point for Matter development on all SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs). It contains essential software components, such as a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) protocol stack supporting Bluetooth, Thread networking stack based on OpenThread and Matter application layer stack based on open source Matter stack. In addition, the Dynamic Multi-Protocol Manager (DMM) software component enables multiprotocol development on a single SimpleLink wireless MCU.

The SimpleLink MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software, and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth Low Energy, 2.4GHz, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit www.ti.com/simplelink. 


  • MATTER-276: Add support for matter v1.2 specification
  • MATTER-289: Add support to build matter application with pre-built certified thread libraries for simplifying matter certification process.
  • MATTER-264: Add Intermittent connected devices feature support
  • MATTER-225: Add support for ability to create programmable image build with unique factory data elements per device.
  • MATTER-228: Add support for genericApp, a template starting point for developing any matter compliant product
  • MATTER-226: Add support for CC1354P10-6 platform
  • MATTER-308: Deprecate CC2652x7 platform support
  • MATTER-286: Add support for CC2674 platform via migration guide
  • See release notes link above for more details