단일 공급, 저압측, 단방향 전류 감지 회로



This single–supply, low–side, current sensing solution accurately detects load current up to 1A and converts it to a voltage between 50mV and 4.9V. The input current range and output voltage range can be scaled as necessary and larger supplies can be used to accommodate larger swings.
  • Senses Temperature between 25°C - 50°C 
  • Output: 0.05V - 3.25V 
  • Single 3.3V Supply with half-supply reference
다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 비디오


  1. 회로 설계MSP430 SAC를 사용한 회로 설계 읽기
  2. 모델 다운로드

기술 자료

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11개 모두 보기
유형 직함 최신 영어 버전 다운로드 날짜
Circuit design Single-supply low-side unidirectional current-sensing circuit with MSP430 SAC (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2024. 10. 9
Circuit design Single-supply, low-side, unidirectional current-sensing circuit (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024. 9. 26
e북 Analog Engineer’s Circuit Cookbook: Amplifiers (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 2024. 9. 24
e북 An Engineer's Guide to Current Sensing (Rev. B) 2022. 4. 12
Circuit design Low-Drift, Low-Side, Bidirectional Current Sensing Circuit (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2020. 12. 2
애플리케이션 노트 How to Use the Smart Analog Combo in MSP430™ MCUs (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2019. 10. 24
Application brief Precision, Low-Side Current Measurement (Rev. B) 2019. 3. 6
Application brief Low-Side Current Sense Circuit Integration 2017. 3. 30
사용 설명서 0-A to 1-A Single-Supply Low-Side Current-Sensing Solution Design Guide (Rev. B) 2015. 12. 11
설계 가이드 +/-1A Single-Supply Low-Side Current Sensing Solution Design Guide 2014. 12. 8
사용 설명서 TIPD104 Design Reference Guide 2013. 9. 19

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TINA-TI SPICE 기반 아날로그 시뮬레이션 프로그램

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