PTC 서미스터 회로를 사용한 온도 감지



This temperature sensing circuit uses a resistor in series with a positive–temperature–coefficient (PTC) thermistor to form a voltage–divider, which has the effect of producing an output voltage that is linear over temperature. The circuit uses an op amp in a non–inverting configuration with inverting reference to offset and amplify the signal, which helps to utilize the full ADC resolution and increase measurement accuracy.
  • Senses Temperature between 0°C - 50°C 
  • Output: 0.05V - 3.25V 
  • Single 3.3V Supply with half-supply reference
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유형 직함 최신 영어 버전 다운로드 날짜
Circuit design Temperature Sensing PTC Circuit With MSP430 Smart Analog Combo (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2024. 9. 26
e북 Analog Engineer’s Circuit Cookbook: Amplifiers (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 2024. 9. 24
Circuit design Temperature sensing with PTC circuit (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2021. 5. 19
애플리케이션 노트 How to Use the Smart Analog Combo in MSP430™ MCUs (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2019. 10. 24
Application brief How to monitor board temperature 2019. 1. 28
애플리케이션 노트 Methods to Reduce Thermistor Linearization Error, Memory, and Power Requirements 2018. 12. 13

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