차동 증폭기(감산기) 회로



This design inputs two signals, Vi1 and Vi2, and outputs their difference (subtracts). The input signals typically come from low-impedance sources because the input impedance of this circuit is determined by the resistive network. Difference amplifiers are typically used to amplify differential input signals and reject common-mode voltages. A common-mode voltage is the voltage common to both inputs. The effectiveness of the ability of a difference amplifier to reject a common-mode signal is known as commonmode rejection ratio (CMRR). The CMRR of a difference amplifier is dominated by the tolerance of the resistors.
  • Input: ±1.25 V
  • Output: ±2.5 V
  • CMRR (min): 50 dB
  • Supply:
    • Vcc = 2.75 V
    • Vee = -2.75 V
    • Vref = 0 V
다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 비디오


  1. Read the circuit design
  2. Download the model

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애플리케이션 노트 AN-31 Amplifier Circuit Collection (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 2020. 10. 21
Circuit design Difference amplifier (subtractor) circuit (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2019. 1. 31
애플리케이션 노트 Handbook of Operational Amplifier Applications (Rev. B) 2016. 9. 19

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