DRV2604 및 DRV2605 설계 방정식 툴



The DRV2604/5 Design Equation document assists the user in the design phase by calculating the driver hardware configuration based off of user-defined input parameters.  The DRV2604/5 is designed to give extremely flexible haptic control of ERM and LRA actuators over a shared I2C compatible bus. This relieves the host processor from ever generating pulse-width modulated (PWM) drive signals, saving both costly timer interrupts and hardware pins. Additionally, the DRV2604/5 contains a smart loop architecture, which allows effortless auto resonant drive for LRA as well as feedback-optimized ERM drive. This feedback gives automatic overdrive and braking, which creates a simplified input waveform paradigm as well as reliable motor control and consistent motor performance.

  • LRA and ERM actuator support
  • Voltage calculations
  • Register Mapping Configuration Tool
  • Audio-to-Haptics functionality
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