버전 선택

버전 선택

검색된 결과가 없습니다. 검색어를 지우고 다시 시도하십시오.


MCSDK supporting SYS/BIOS RTOS and Linux OS for OMAP-L132 and OMAP-L138

버전 선택
검색된 결과가 없습니다. 검색어를 지우고 다시 시도하십시오.
최신 버전
출시 날짜: 2013. 11. 5

MCSDK installer for Windows

MD5 체크섬

MCSDK installer for Linux

MD5 체크섬
Arm 기반 프로세서
OMAP-L138 저전력 C674x 부동 소수점 DSP + Arm9 프로세서 - 최대 456MHz


Code Composer Studio (CCS) is the integrated development environment for TIs SOCs, containing comp

Toolchain to cross-compile for ARM platforms

출시 정보

The Multicore Software Development Kit (MCSDK) provides the core foundational building blocks that facilitate application software development on TI's high performance and multicore SOCs. This software release gives developers the ability to evaluate major software capabilities of OMAPL138 devices.

Please see Getting Started Guide to get started

Please refer to Release Notes for the major updates from the previous release.

Please see the following wiki pages for more information:

Note: Please install Code Composer Studio before installing MCSDK package.

Supported Platforms
