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Production software for single cell battery fuel (gas) gauges

버전 선택
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최신 버전
버전: 3.0.2
출시 날짜: 2022. 11. 30

Single Cell bqProduction software for bq27320

MD5 체크섬

Single Cell bqProduction software for bq27z561

MD5 체크섬
lock = 수출 승인 필요(1분)
배터리 연료 게이지
BQ27320 단일 셀 팩/시스템 측 CEDV 배터리 연료(가스) 게이지 BQ27Z561 1 시리즈용 Impedance Track™ 통합 회로 가스 게이지 솔루션 BQ27Z561-R1 1-시리즈 셀 리튬 이온 배터리 팩을 위한 Impedance Track™ 배터리 가스 게이지 솔루션 BQ27Z561-R2 1-시리즈 셀 리튬 이온 배터리 팩을 위한 Impedance Track 배터리 가스 게이지 솔루션
하드웨어 개발
평가 보드
BQ27320EVM-766 bq27320 통합 LDO를 사용하는 시스템 측 연료 게이지 평가 모듈 BQ27Z561EVM-011 BQ27Z561 1S 셀 프로그래머블 배터리 관리자 평가 모듈

출시 정보


SingleCellbqProduction offers a full suite of robust tools to assist with the process of configuring, calibrating, manufacturing and tracking printed circuit boards utilizing TI Battery Battery management products. This includes features that allow writing a golden image followed by different types of calibration to provide desired levels of accuracy and finally validating limits for calibration parameters to spike out any inconsistencies in material. SingleCellbqProduction offers three(3) levels of access to allow strict control over the manufacturing process with the assembly line operator only having access to the "Start" button. SingleCellbqProduction supports 1 station from a single computer and has inbuilt capability to maintain log files for the processed printed circuits boards. The bqMTester hardware is incompatible with some single cell gauges.

Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10

Requires: MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 (MKS-SAI-001), Precision voltage and current source/sink for calibration.


  • Support for MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300
  • Control from a graphical user interface
  • Run 1 station from a single computer
  • Uses industry standard Motorola srec format Golden image programmer
  • Calibration and test automation/programming
  • Calibration limits filter to detect anomalies

새 소식

  • Support for BQ27Z561 as a target
  • Support for MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 as the USB interface board
  • Separate installers for BQ27320 and BQ27z561