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Linux Processor SDK for OMAP-L138

버전 선택
검색된 결과가 없습니다. 검색어를 지우고 다시 시도하십시오.
최신 버전
출시 날짜: 2020. 4. 17

Processor SDK SITARA OMAPL138 Linux Package - Linux Installer (64-bit Binary)

MD5 체크섬

Only used when creating an SD Card on Windows

MD5 체크섬

OMAPL138 Linux SDK prebuilt BSP binaries and root filesystem

MD5 체크섬

OMAPL138 Linux SDK Arago source downloads

MD5 체크섬
Arm 기반 프로세서
OMAP-L138 저전력 C674x 부동 소수점 DSP + Arm9 프로세서 - 최대 456MHz
하드웨어 개발
개발 키트


Code Composer Studio IDE for Windows Host

Code Composer Studio IDE for Linux Host

OMAPL138 Pin Mux Configuration Utility

Instructions for creating an SD Card with Linux

Instructions for creating an SD Card with Windows

Link to Release Notes for Processor SDK Linux

Quick Start Guide included in the EVM kit (coming soon)

Link to the online Software Developers Guide which has the latest content

Software Manifest of Components Inside the SDK

새 소식

  • Linux embedded software support
  • Long-term Stable (LTS) Linux kernel support
  • Board support package
  • File system
  • Bootloaders

출시 정보

Thank you for your interest in the OMAPL138 Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK supports the OMAPL138 Development Kit TMDSLCDK138 from TI. If you would like to install the full SDK on a Linux Host computer for development, you’ll need the OMAPL138 Linux SDK Essentials below. If you would like to evaluate the SDK by running it on one of the below platforms and you prefer not to install the full SDK at this time, please see the OMAPL138 Linux SDK SD Card Creation section above.