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TPSF12C1/-Q1 and TPSF12C3/-Q1 common-mode AEF Mathcad design file

버전 선택
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최신 버전
버전: A1
출시 날짜: 2024. 3. 1
전원 공급 필터 IC
TPSF12C1 단상 시스템용 공통 모드 활성 EMI 필터(AEF) TPSF12C1-Q1 단상 시스템용 오토모티브 공통 모드 활성 EMI 필터(AEF) TPSF12C3 3상 시스템용 공통 모드 활성 EMI 필터(AEF) TPSF12C3-Q1 3상 시스템용 오토모티브 공통 모드 활성 EMI 필터(AEF)
하드웨어 개발
평가 보드
TPSF12C1EVM-FILTER TPSF12C1 단상 능동 EMI 필터 평가 모듈 TPSF12C1QEVM TPSF12C1-Q1 단상 능동 EMI 필터 평가 모듈 TPSF12C3QEVM TPSF12C3-Q1 3상 능동 EMI 필터 평가 보드

출시 정보

This Mathcad worksheet is offered to predict the stability of a voltage-sense, current-inject active EMI filter (AEF) circuit, in particular with respect to TI's TPSF12C1/3/-Q1 family of AEF ICs, and to assist with component selection. The model is inclusive of most parasitc effects and can be used as a quick check of the loop gain and insertion loss prior to simulation, bench measurement and fine tuning.


The worksheet functions for single- and 3-phase AC systems and facilitates two ways of entering the CM choke parameters:

1. Using an equivalent circuit model with (a) resistive and capacitive parasitics –  suitable for ferrite-core chokes; (b) a ladder network of three parallel RL circuits -- suitable for nanocrystalline chokes

2. Using measured impedance data (magnitude and phase).


The worksheet is ideal for knowledge capture, unit-aware calculation reuse and for engineering collaboration amongst design, systems & application engineers.