MSP 第三方搜尋工具




TI has partnered with multiple companies to offer a wide range of solutions and services for TI MSP devices. These companies can accelerate your path to production using MSP devices. Download this search tool to quickly browse third-party details and find the right third-party to meet your needs.

The partners are based out of different regions and provide solutions for different applications such as modules, Flash programming and turn-key. You can choose the right third-party by local region, product or technical needs accordingly.

This tool has two broad classifications - partners providing application-based solutions and partners for Flash programming solutions and services.

  • Application-based solutions include different kinds of hardware and software solutions such as modules, turn-key solution or software services.
  • Flash programming solutions include programming service providers from different countries/regions.
  • Supports many TI MSP devices including general purpose and advanced sensing MCUs
  • Search by type of product, TI devices supported, or country
  • Access links and contacts for quick engagement
  • Third-party companies located around the world


  1. Download the search tool
  2. Navigate to the appropriate category sheet
  3. Sort columns using filters to narrow your search
  4. Contact the third-parties you are interested in



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