



Linux SDK for edge AI applications on AM62A

發行日期: 2025/1/15

Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images with edge AI and robotics stack

MD5 校驗和

Get access to latest bug fixes and feature enhancements with Yocto build environment

Arm 式處理器
AM62A3 具 RGB-IR ISP 且適用 1-2 台攝影機、低功耗、視訊監控、零售自動化的 1 TOPS 視覺 SoC AM62A3-Q1 具 RGB-IR ISP 且適用 1-2 台攝影機、駕駛監控和行車紀錄器的車用 1 TOPS 視覺 SoC AM62A7 具 RGB-IR ISP 且適用 1-2 台攝影機、低功耗系統、機器視覺、機器人的 2 TOPS 視覺 SoC AM62A7-Q1 具 RGB-IR ISP 且適用 1-2 台攝影機、駕駛監控、前置攝影機的 2 TOPS 視覺 SoC
SK-AM62A-LP 適用低功耗 Sitara™ 處理器的 AM62A 入門套件


Quick Start Guide for the AM62A Starter Kit (SK) board

Online edge AI SDK user manual

Online LINUX SDK user manual

Online robotics SDK user manual

Learn how to build embedded Linux systems using AM62A processors

Explore a selection of self-paced lessons for edge AI development. Follow along with free cloud tools.

Download Linux SDK user manual for offline view

Build Sheet of supported features for AM62A


Thank you for your interest in PROCESSOR SDK LINUX AM62A Software Development Kit (SDK) for edge AI applications.

The Yocto build environment based Linux SDK for edge AI provides

  • Upstream Linux LTS Kernel with peripheral drivers, U-Boot bootloader.
  • Pre-integrated firmware for hardware accelerated deep learning and camera ISP
  • GStreamer plugins and edge AI application stack

The SDK documentation provides simple steps to build, develop and run high performance deep learning applications using a live camera and display.

TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot

AM62A Snapshot

In order to improve access to the very latest bug fixes and feature enhancements, TI is enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for AM62A processors. The patches for these changes have always been available on public repositories hosted on git.ti.com, and these source repositories could be built using the Yocto build environment on a daily basis. The new TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot makes it even easier to consume these changes with pre-built binaries of Linux boot images to try out on TI Evaluation Modules (EVMs and SKs) before migrating or picking the patches. A detailed test report is also published to help users understand the status of the build and features being validated. The Linux boot images from a snapshot can be regenerated using sources by following the build instructions provided on the snapshot page.

The daily snapshot is not a replacement for the official Processors SDK releases which have full documentation, training and support. The snapshot is a new easy way to try bug fixes and feature enhancements planned for the next SDK while enabling much more tighter integration with customizations and application development. This improved integration should allow users to release their customized code built  on the SDKs more quickly and confidently.


  • v4l2h264dec decoder support for mp4 file
  • TIDL: Support for ONNXRUNTIME 1.15.0
  • TIDL: Improved support for models with large number of layers
  • TIDL: Support for weight sparsity