Response codes and rate limits


COP: Checkout profile
GPN: Generic product number
OPN: Orderable part number


Order status codes

API order status
Submitted The order and all line items have been saved
Created The order has been accepted by TI
In work One or more line items on an order are in an IN WORK status, and no line items are on hold
Shipped All line items on a paid order are in a SHIPPED status
Complete All line items on a paid order are in a SHIPPED status and invoices have been generated
Cancelled There is a payment error via APM (Alternate Payment Method), all line items on the order are in a CANCELLED status or the order had to be manually CANCELLED
On hold One or more line items on an order are in an on hold status. Contact E2E support or our customer support center for assistance.
Payment pending Payment confirmation has not been received from your payment processing provider
Processing TI is waiting to receive confirmation from your payment processing provider
Payment_authorized Payment has been completed and received
Payment completed Payment confirmation received from payment processing provider and the order has been saved
Processing_error TI was unable to process the payment. Contact E2E support or our customer support center for assistance.
Compliance review The order is under review by TI

HTTP status codes


HTTP status code
200 OK Successful
201 Order created Successful
204 OK Successful
400 Bad request Refer to response for error details and corrective actions
401 Not authorized OAuth credentials were missing or invalid
404 Resource not found Refer to response for error details and corrective actions
405 Method not allowed HTTP verb not allowed
422 Unprocessable entity Refer to response for error details and corrective actions
429 Too many request Rate limit quota has been reached
5XX System error The response should contain error details, including Execution ID, with which TI API support team can investigate

Rate limits


API type
Spike arrest
Quota limit per day
Any other quota limit
Store Inventory & Pricing API V2 - Full catalog /v2/store/products/catalog 1 call every 4 hour 6
Store Inventory & Pricing API V2 - OPN/Paged /v2/store/products/ 20ps 100000 600 per minute
Product Information API - ProductDataAPI /v1/products 5ps 3000 (May not be reached) 2000 per month
Product Information API - ProductDataOrchestrated /v1/products-extended/ 5ps 3000 (May not be reached) 2000 per month
Store Order API V1
(Product Order API)
/v1/store/orders/ 20ps 2000 600 per minute
Store Order API V2
(testOrder, deliveryCost, orderdetails, Ordercreate)
/v2/store/orders 20ps 3000 600 per minute
ASN Retrieve API v1 /v1/advance-ship-notices/retrieve 10ps 5000 60 per minute
Financial Invoice Retrieve API v1 /v1/financial-documents/retrieve 10ps NA 60 per minute

Rate limits are subject to change. TI reserves the right to further limit or revoke API access, see terms of use for more information.