Using JTAG with the UCD3138: Overview of programming options
This video presents the programming options supported by the CCS JTAG flash programming GUI. Since the CCS JTAG flash GUI was designed to be as similar as possible to the UCD PMBus Device GUI, we compare the functionality of both tools. For completeness, the video introduces the functionality that is supported by the UCD PMBus device GUI, but is currently not supported by the CCS JTAG flash programming GUI (and Uniflash).
Now we are going to download a firmware program to a UCD device via the CCS JTAG GUI. Ensure that the open loop board is powered and that there is a device in the socket. Also ensure that the JTAG emulator is connected to the open loop board.
Please note that extra steps are required to enable JTAG columns on the UCD3138. The JTAG pins are not enabled by default on the UCD3138, so you need to enable them via the UCD PMBus device GUI. For all of the other UCD3138 variants such as the UCD3138064, A64, and 128, and all of the A versions, this is not the case.
In this example, we are downloading code to a UCD3138A device. Start a debug session with the current configuration. Here I use one I previously created for the UCD3138A and XDS100V2 JTAG emulator.
Connect to the target via JTAG. If the On-Chip Flash menu is not displayed, click on Tools, On-Chip Flash. First, scroll to the very bottom of the pane and check Enable verbose output. So as we can see, additional information displayed in the console.
Scroll back to the top of the pane, select your programming options. Here we choose to write an application program with no boot. We choose to perform a blank check before programming, and we choose to perform checksum-based verification after programming. We are choosing not to write the checksum. We choose to write to data flash and to perform a blank check on data flash before programming.
Before programming, we would erase all of the program and data flash. Click Erase Flash Now. Now we will check that the entire flash contents of the device are empty by clicking Blank Check Now. If you would like to keep these settings for future use for this particular configuration, click Remember My Settings.
Now to perform the write to flash. Select Run, Load, Load Program. Alternatively, use the short keys, Control plus Alt plus L together. Now select the data out file you wish to load. You can click Browse to select the data out file via Windows Explorer. Or if the project is active in CCS, select Browse Project to select from your active projects.
Once the data out file has been selected, click OK to execute the flash write. Observe the console window. To execute the code that has just been downloaded, select Run, Reset, CPU Reset, or use the short key combination Control plus Shift plus R together. Then press the Play button in the toolbar to start executing the code. Alternatively, press to short key F8.
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Introduction to digital power controllers
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