MSP432 Software Development Kit (SDK) Introduction
The MSP432™ software development kit (SDK) is a comprehensive software package that enables engineers to develop highly functional applications on Texas Instruments MSP432 microcontrollers (MCUs).
Watch this training to learn the benefits of using the MSP432 SDK, what the key software components are, and where to find the right tools to jump start your MSP432 MCU-based application development.
TI Is pleased to announce the release of the MSP432 software development kit.
The MSP432 SDK is part of TI's complete software ecosystem for MCU development. Whether you're using TI's eclipse-based CCS, or third-party IDEs like IAR, Keil, or gcc, the MSP432's software development kit is there for you, providing a consistent infrastructure of libraries and tools, plus a rich and growing set of examples and documentation.
With the MSP432 SDK common software architecture, you can leverage your team's expertise with your IDE and spend time on developing product features that are important to your product and to your customers, instead of focusing on low level details.
The MSP432 SDK also eliminates the time normally spent on those device-specific activities by providing a single location for all development resources. Device headers, a hardware abstraction layer or HAL, TI drivers, as well as usage examples, documentation, and training material are all available in one easy to find location in TI's Resource Explorer, which is available directly within CCS or online at
An additional benefit of this single package release approach is more predictable revisions and greater revision control for users. The SDK supports a minimal footprint real-time multitasking kernel-- TI-RTOS that accelerates development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions. The kernel simplifies access to MSP432 ultra low power features without extensive knowledge of device architecture.
In addition to TI-RTOS, the SDK supports the open source free RTOS as well as industry standard POS/X APIs. This flexibility speeds your development of real-time applications regardless of your choice of operating system, including direct hardware access with no operating system at all.
The SDK's core features can be extended with plug-in modules to include support for connectivity stacks, such as Bluetooth Low Energy and Wi-Fi, a wide variety of sensor interfaces, actuators, and displays. Additional plug-ins enable you to write code to interface to cloud and IOT services with minimal effort. All modules are designed for maximum portability through use of a high-level of abstraction in TI drivers.
With the MSP432 SDK you can use the toolchain you're comfortable with. The SDK lets you optimize your code's runtime and code size efficiency with bot TI-provided tool chains like the Code Composer Studio Development Environment, cloud-based CCS, and Energia IDE, and with support for third-party tool chains like Keil, and gcc. TI provides additional automation tools to speed development through the configuration build and debug phases.
These local and cloud-based tools assist with tasks such as device pin configuration and flash programming. They also help the user get the most out of MSP432 ultra low power features by analyzing code using the energy trace power optimization tool.
TI's MSP432 SDK provides a best in class toolchain with a comprehensive set of IDEs, development utilities, and cogeneration tools, which allow you to easily unlock the ultra low power and high precision analog potential of the MSP432 in a single easily accessible location.
To get started developing your application, grab an MSP432 LaunchPad and start using the SDK from TI Research Explorer today.