Introduction to the AM57x Sitara™ Processors Training Series
This video provides an introduction to the AM57x Sitara Processors Training Series, including how to locate it on and a overview of the training content by section.
Hello. Welcome to the AM57x Sitara processors training series introduction. The AM57x is part of the Sitara processors family, which brings unrivaled integration, scalability, peripherals, and ease of use associated with powerful Sitara processor platform. The AM57x processors have a unique heterogeneous architecture that includes ARM Cortex-A15 cores, C66x DSPs, programmable real time units, ARM Cortex-M4 cores, and video and graphic accelerators that make the AM57x processors unmatched in their class.
Let's start by accessing the AM57x product folder at To access training, click on Tools and Software, and then Support and Community. Under the Training and Videos section, you will find the AM57x Sitara processors training series. Another way to access the series directly is to type
The AM57x Sitara processors training series consists of three primary sections. The first focuses on the AM57x devices themselves. There is a high level introduction, of technical deep dive, a look at multimedia and graphics for application development based on video processing or imaging.
In addition, there are two training modules focused on the AM57x evaluation module, including an out of box video for the AM5728EVM. In addition, there is a full section on the Processor SDK for AM57x Sitara processors. This focuses both on the Linux and the RTOS side of the Processor SDK. In addition, there is a detailed presentation on application development using Processor SDK, as well as a look at industrial software development, open CL, and IPC.
Finally, there is a section on the programmable real time unit, or PRU. There are three building blocks lessons that provide an introduction to the PRU, including hardware and firmware. In addition, there are two lessons here that are programming-based. First covers how to debug the PRU using Code Composer Studio, and the second provides some compiler tips and tricks.
Training modules will be added to the series over time, so please bookmark this link and check back for additional training to aid you in your application development. For additional information, please refer to the links on this page. Thank you for your time.
This video is part of a series
Sitara™ AM57x processors
video-playlist (17 videos)