Level sensing using IWR mmWave sensors
Hello, my name is Artem Aginskiy, and I'm the product manager for TI's mmWave Sensors. These sensors operate in the 76 to 81 gigahertz frequency band, which is the ideal band for tank fluid level sensing applications. In this application, mmWave Sensors offer a high accuracy and robustness across varying environmental conditions, including dust and extreme temperatures. The high frequency band enables smaller sensor size, high antenna directivity, larger bandwidth availability, and overall better performance. For precise industrial process control, fluid level sensing requires ultra high accuracy range measurements in order to maintain a close control over a usage of the liquid and early detection of any leaks or overflow.
One of the most important factors affecting accuracy in mmWave sensors is any potential nonlinearity of the chirp. TI's IWR 14xx family of millimeter wave sensors is based on CMOS technology that enables a closed loop chirp generation that significantly improves the linearity. Additionally, the support for the full 4 gigahertz bandwidth without any degradation of linearity further improves the range accuracy, as the accuracy is inversely proportional to the RF bandwidth.
With this flexible technology, it's possible to measure the level in tanks ranging in size from one meter to 80 meters or even larger with accuracy in the micron level. To learn more about IWR portfolio for tank fluid level probing, please read the white paper at the link below. Thanks for watching.