Back to the LDO basics
Interested in LDOs? Get the basics with this 8-part LDO Basics Training Series! We will cover a range of topics from what is an LDO to exploring all their important characteristics. This series will also explain the impact of LDO's in power management and how they can solve your design challenges in real applications.
Hello and welcome to TI's training video series on LDOs. We'll be covering a wide range of topics, starting from, what is an LDO, to explaining the impact LDOs can have on amplifiers and other signal chain and communication devices. You can find these videos and more in our website at Throughout this series of videos, we will introduce the key performance features of our LDOs and explain their impact in power management. We'll also give you a few example applications, cool design tools you can leverage from TI's tool library, and hopefully we can answer some of your questions around LDOs.
This video is part of a series
Learn the basics of linear & low drop-out regulators (LDOs)
video-playlist (7 videos)