What is Zigbee? Introduction and Look at TI's Solutions
This training provides a high level overview of what Zigbee is, how it works, and why you should use it. It also dives deeper into a common mesh networking example and explains how Zigbee and TI products can help solve the system's problems. |
Hi, and welcome to a quick look at ZigBee. During this training session, I will explain what ZigBee is, why you should use it, and how to get started developing with TI solutions. First, we will answer the question what is ZigBee.
In a sentence, ZigBee is a low-power, wireless, mesh networking solution that allows smart objects to work together. ZigBee is highly interoperable as platforms undergo ZigBee Compliant Platform testing. There is also a standardized application layer via the ZigBee Cluster Library. The dynamic mesh network is self-organizing and self-healing, and intended to support low data rates and Green Power applications. ZigBee enables over 250 devices and can provide whole house coverage.
Here we will go over the basic architecture and mesh network topology of ZigBee. ZigBee 3.0 architecture is seen on the left-- the lowest layers of IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC. Above that is the ZigBee PRO network layer, which is responsible for routing packets and other network specific functions.
Between the ZigBee PRO network and ZigBee application support layer is the Green Power Proxy module. This module is required for all ZigBee 3.0 routing devices, which includes coordinators and routers. More on these later. But for now, just know that the Green Power Proxy module is used to route Green Power packets around this network. Next is ZigBee device layer and base device to behavior layer. These layers interface directly with the manufacturer's application.
Now onto the ZigBee mesh network topology. ZigBee has three types of devices-- coordinators, routers, and end devices. Coordinators are the trust center. They start the network, route packets, manage network security, and associate routers with end devices.
Routers are responsible for, well, routing packets. They have functionality themselves and can be a variety of different end equipment. Lastly, ZigBee end devices-- end devices are battery-powered and typically sleepy devices. They do not route packets and are typically designed to be extremely power efficient.
Here are some typical applications for each ZigBee device type. Since coordinators are the main trust center of the network, they are generally smart home controllers, gateways, or dedicated monitors. Since routers are [INAUDIBLE] powered, they are typically found as lights, thermostats, garage doors, smoke and gas detectors, and smart appliances. End devices are typically used as portable switches, temperature, motion, door or window sensors, and battery-powered smoke and gas detectors.
So why should you use ZigBee? ZigBee has a variety of benefits, and I will highlight a few. In today's connected world, security is at the top of everyone's list of features.
ZigBee has you covered, as it has centralized authentication to the trust center with network and application key transportation and even optional install codes. ZigBee also uses a AES-128 encryption. Once again, ZigBee was designed with interoperability in mind, with certification ensuring device-to-device interoperability.
Based on the low power IEEE 802.15.4 standard, ZigBee enables years of operation on a single battery. Not only is ZigBee low-power, but it is also robust. By nature of being a mesh network, ZigBee has no single point of failure. It also allows systems to self-configure and fix routing problems as they occur
ZigBee is also easy to use because of features like button-press easy mode or Touchlink proximity joining. Ease of use extends to the simple protocols for forming, joining, and maintaining connections. It is also scalable, with the network layer optimizing the network's operation based on the expected use. The mesh network can also extend range through multi-hops for full house coverage.
Here's a look at how ZigBee fits in with other connectivity technologies. As you can see, ZigBee typically uses the 2.4 gigahertz frequency band. This makes ZigBee great for developing products that can be deployed globally.
As mentioned earlier, it is a mesh network, and its throughput is 250 kilobits per second. It's one-hop range can be anywhere from 30 to 400 meters. And its target segments are smart home, smart building, and retail.
So what is the latest standard of ZigBee? Today, it is ZigBee 3.0. ZigBee 3.0 brings a unification of application segments with a single certification mark for products. ZigBee 3.0 also includes backwards compatibility with legacy profiles, including Home Automation, Green Power, Lighting, Retail, and Building Automation.
New features include simplified device onboarding through commissioning and service discovery. While install codes and improved security procedures for changing keys make ZigBee 3.0 even more secure. Interoperability is still at the forefront of ZigBee 3.0 through a unified toolset and a certified testing lab for platforms and products. The spec also requires all routing devices to implement Green Power proxy to ensure that networks can support Green Power devices.
Now let's talk about Texas Instruments experience with ZigBee. Do you know that TI has delivered over 100 certified ZigBee products and compliant platforms to the market? TI has also been a promoter member of the ZigBee Alliance for more than 10 years. TI has developed groundbreaking platforms for ZigBee with the industry proven CC2530 system on chip, and now followed by the new SimpleLink ultra-low power family of wireless system on chips.
Let's talk about some of the hardware design challenges faced when developing a ZigBee product. To demonstrate this, we will use a home automation example. This home automation example consists of three devices-- a gateway or smart hub, a smart light bulb, and an electronic smart lock.
Let's first talk about the gateway to smart hub. The gateway to smart hub is generally the network's gateway to the cloud. It connects all of our devices to the internet for monitoring and control and because it is a ZigBee coordinator who manages the network security and associate routers and end devices with one another. Because it is the trust center and gateway to the cloud, the router's generally AC powered.
Range is something that can be important to a coordinator device. Like in our example of home automation, we would ideally like the coordinator to reach as many routers and end devices with the least amount of hops. Flash and RAM space for coordinators can be important depending on how large your network is going to be, as a larger network may require more memory.
Routers-- in our example, a smart light bulb-- are always on devices to route packets, and therefore, are AC powered as well. Range can be specific to application, with some routers being dedicated range extenders in some use cases. Memory requirements for routers are not as high as coordinators. But they do need an adequate amount of memory to store routing information of neighbor devices.
Now onto end devices. End devices are battery-powered, ultra-low power devices. They can be sleepy sensor nodes or, in our example, an electronic smart lock. For these devices, low power is generally the biggest challenge to overcome.
Range for end devices depends on the application. And with new devices from TI, long range is now possible with battery-operated devices. Memory is also specific to application, as some applications may require more flash and RAM than others.
Now let's talk about how some of TI's new SimpleLink associates that support ZigBee can fit into our home automation example. For end devices, the name of the game is low power, like we mentioned previously. For this reason, the SimpleLink CC2652R can be a great fit for a variety of ZigBee end devices.
At only 9.8 milliamps for a +5 dBm output power, devices can have a longer battery life than ever before, reducing system costs for commercial and residential applications. The sensor controller engine enables monitoring of the environment while the main ARM Cortex M4F sleeps, further extending battery life for the equipment. The SimpleLink CC2652R would also be a great fit for our example door lock application with a future roadmap for ZigBee plus BLE support. This could allow an individual to unlock the door with their smartphone while the device is still connected to the cloud via the ZigBee network.
Another SoC option for ZigBee end devices looking for ultra-long range is a SimpleLink CC1352P. It boasts an integrated power amplifier with up to +20 dBm output power at only 79 milliamps, eliminating the compromise between low-power and ultra-long range. The SimpleLink CC1352P. combines three devices into one, the power amplifier, 2.4 and sub-1 gigahertz radio. It also includes the sensor controller engine for low-power sensor monitoring and data processing.
For coordinator and router applications, TI has you covered as well. The SimpleLink CC1352P can be a future-proof integrated coordinator or router because of its 2.4 and sub-1 gigahertz radio, plus a power amplifier enabling up to +20 dBm output power all on a single chip. The SimpleLink CC2652R is also an excellent option for both routers and coordinators with its multi-protocol capabilities. It is also compatible with the CC2592 range extender, allowing the flexible hardware designed for a variety of products.
Let's look a little closer at the new SimpleLink CC1352P with the lowest power integrated PA in the world. By combining a 2.4 megahertz, sub-1 gigahertz radio, and a power amplifier, the SimpleLink CC1352P makes system design easier than ever before. The SimpleLink CC1352P also features extremely low-power characteristics.
The 2.4 gigahertz radio can transmit it up to 19 and 1/2 dBm at 79 milliamps. And sub-1 gigahertz for +20 dBm is at only 65 milliamps. Or standby mode with full 80 kilobyte RAM retention only consumes 0.83 microamps. All of these features enable long-range without compromising on battery life.
The CC1352P also features 352 kilobytes of flash, 256 kilobytes of ROM, and 80 kilobytes of SRAM. Per security, it includes an AES crypto accelerator, ECC and RSA public key hardware accelerators, SHA2 accelerator, and a True Random Number Generator. Key applications for the SimpleLink CC1352P include smart thermostats, electronic locks, sensors and metering.
Here's how the SimpleLink CC1352P stacks up against the competition. For 2.4 gigahertz, the CC1352P is using 40% less power. For sub-1 gigahertz, it uses over 30% less power. The SimpleLink CC1352P even outperforms a dedicated PA by over 10 milliamps. With all these low-power characteristics, the SimpleLink CC1352P is truly changing the long-range plus low-power landscape.
Here's an overview of TI's solutions for ZigBee. The CC2530 is a legacy but cost-optimizing ZigBee solution. It supports ZigBee 3.0 and is certified today. The new SimpleLink CC2652R and SimpleLink CC1352P boast powerful ARM Cortex M4F MCUs with 352 kilobytes of flash, 256 kilobytes of ROM, and 80 kilobytes of SRAM. At 0 dBm, the SimpleLink CC2652R and SimpleLink CC1352P require only 7.5 milliamps and 6.3 milliamps respectively. The CC2652R and CC1352P are a part of the SimpleLink platform from Texas Instruments.
TI's new SimpleLink microcontroller platform sets a new standard for developers with the broadest portfolio of wired and wireless ARM MCUs in a single software development environment. The SimpleLink platform delivers flexible hardware, software, and two options for your IoT applications. With 100% code portability, applications built on, for example, a sub-1 gigahertz system on chip can easily be migrated to another system on chip, like a wired MSP432. This level of flexibility allows developers to invest once in software development and get to market with their designs faster than ever before.
The SimpleLink platform provides end-to-end development resources, from the common software to low-cost LaunchPad development kits that feature module BoosterPacks as add-on peripherals. The Code Composer Studio IDE is compatible across the entire platform and is available as a cloud-based IDE along with the desktop version. SimpleLink Academy provides a comprehensive and interactive learning experience for the entire SimpleLink portfolio of devices.
To complement the wide array of tools available from the SimpleLink platform, even more tools are also available. E2E support forum is always there to assist developers. Range calculators are available for estimating wireless connectivity range and signal strength. There is also a wide array of reference designs to jumpstart your development. The Sensor Controller Studio and SmartRF Studio are robust for configuring radios and sensor controllers. The SimpleLink Academy labs to interactively learn how to leverage it with your design.
The ZigBee stack from TI, also known as the Z-Stack, is delivered as a full, free software development kit. Included is a comprehensive user's guide that takes you from the ZigBee basics all the way to developing custom ZigBee devices. There are a growing number of SimpleLink Academy labs, including a Light and Switch lab and a Certifiable Custom Project lab. Along with training, there are examples included for home and building automation, green power, over-the-air clusters server, ZigBee network processor, and a bare bones application. The home automation examples include light and switch, door locking controller, thermostat and temperature sensor, and many more.
So how do you get started developing? First, purchase a LaunchPad development kit. The CC1352P and CC26X2R development kits are available now at ti.com/ [INAUDIBLE]. Then download the SDK and ZigBee SDK plugin to begin developing the next great connected solution.