Translation Between Communication Modules and System Controllers
Hello, and welcome to The Logic Minute. Many systems today contain communication modules, such as Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, LTE, or 4G. When the system controller operates at a different voltage, an auto bidirectional translator is required. These use auto bidirectional communications to interface with system controllers.
Included are our three auto bidirectional translators, the TXB, the TXS, and the LSF. All three have automatic direction sensing for two way level translation applications. The three devices look alike, operate similarly in applications. But today, we will look into what makes them different.
The LSF has the highest data rate of 200 megabits per second. The TXB has the middle range. And the TXS are typically used for slower applications.
The LSF and the TXS have flexibility to use open drain push pull drivers, and the TXB can only utilize the push pull driver. The LSF utilizes switch based passive signals. The TXS is similar to the LSF, but with added circuitry to improve signal integrity. The TXB is similar to a buffer and has the best signal integrity.
Included are the VCC voltages for both inputs. We recommend utilizing the TXB translator because of its ease of use and best signal integrity. Secondly, we advise the TXS translator, and then the LSF translator. If you are unable to use any of these translators, we recommend our direction controlled and unidirectional translators.
Thank you for watching. Please explore our other videos and training materials on our site. And if you have any questions, come on over to the E2E forums to ask us directly.
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Common applications of logic
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Common applications of voltage translation
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