Troubleshooting Tips: TI Product Markings and Labels
- How to find the marking of TI products through ‘Part lookup tool’ page- Information in the TI label and STC number to product genealogy traceability
Welcome to TI's "Troubleshooting Tips" series. Have you needed to find TI part number with device marking, or have you wondered the meaning of the code and number seen on TI label? Then this video will have you learn how to interpret the label of TI product, and how to track the part using the top side marking.
When troubleshooting TI components, it is important to reference TI's quality and reliability processes that can be found on For more troubleshooting information, please refer to
Interpreting TI product marking and labels are very useful to find related information on TI has a variety of formats of top side marking, depending on package size and types. Here are some examples of TI product marking with full part number or shortened numbers. By searching the device top side marking, you can determine which device you have and where to find the product information.
You may be able to find the marking of TI product includes TI logo, partial part number, lot trace code information, and environmental category on the device. If you visit the part lookup tool page on, and search the marking on package top side, you can find the device marking format, package, and pin information, even product description, and the direct link of that device. One thing to be noted is the code information is being used only for internal process tracking purpose.
Let's try to search the marking. You can visit the Part lookup page through Quality and Reliability section. First, check marking on the part, and then search the marking of package top side you have. Then you will see the full TI part number here and related device information.
Please be aware that the marking could be numeric or alphabetic characters by package size. But most of the case, the partial part number is in the first or second layer of the marking. If the search results are inconclusive, please try again using the other part marking characters or contact TI size channel for further support.
You can also use TI part number button to figure the part marking for your future reference. Type the TI full part number and look up how the markings should be.
If you ordered TI products in reel or tray, you may be able to see the product label on box or bag. This label contains manufacturing site, production lot code, and also environment certification information with logo on the left side of 2D bar code.
For more useful information of symbolization logo, please visit product labeling page and find the compliance status of environmental requirements.
The most important information here is STC number, which is short term of Ship Trace Code, given by each standard packing quantity. To product genealogy traceability, TI recommends recording the STC data.
So far, we have covered how to find the useful information from TI product marking and label. If your device was purchased directly from TI or one of our authorized distributors, you can search the data from pages. For questions or more detailed information, Customer Support Center is available to assist you. TI also has additional [INAUDIBLE] links here for quality policies and process, as well as an E2E support for the application.
Thank you for watching this troubleshooting series on the TI product marking and label contents. For additional troubleshooting information, please visit