Precision labs series: Magnetic sensors

TI Precision Labs is the electronics industry’s most comprehensive online classroom for analog engineers. The on-demand courses and tutorials include introductory ideas about device architecture in addition to advanced, application-specific problem-solving, using both theory and practical knowledge. Use these hands-on courses to predict circuit performance and move seamlessly from abstract concepts to specific formula in an easy-to-follow format. Industry experts present each topic in order to help reduce design time and move quickly from proof-of-concept to productization.The magnetic sensor curriculum contains short training videos that cover the basics of magnetic sensors, key specifications for designing, tips for Hall applications and more!


Introduction to magnetic sensing (3)
Key specifications of magnetic sensors (5)
Magnetic sensor applications (9)
Calculating magnetic fields (1)
Magnetic current sensors (2)
Hall-effect current sensors (1)
System features (3)
TI Magnetic Sense Simulator (TIMSS) (2)
View series

Precision labs series: Magnetic sensors

Introduction to magnetic sensing (3)
Key specifications of magnetic sensors (5)
Magnetic sensor applications (9)
Calculating magnetic fields (1)
Magnetic current sensors (2)
Hall-effect current sensors (1)
System features (3)
TI Magnetic Sense Simulator (TIMSS) (2)