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Tiny Texas Instruments power circuit simplifies USB battery charger design

1.1-A single-cell Li-Ion battery charger with integrated 50-mA regulator offers 2.3-A production test support, high-voltage protection

Bangalore (April 15, 2009) - Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) introduced today the industry’s smallest 1.1-A Li-Ion linear battery charger with integrated 50-mA low-dropout regulator to support mobile phones and other handheld electronics. The new bq25040 comes in a small 2 mm x 3 mm package, and can regulate voltage within one-percent accuracy from a USB port or AC adapter. The device’s integrated LDO allows a mobile application to power up instantly from an external power source, even with an empty or absent battery. For details and samples see: .

The bq25040 also saves manufacturing time and cost by eliminating the need for battery setup during production test phase. The charger’s single-input interface selects the appropriate charge current and places the device into production test mode.

Key features and benefits

  • 30-V input with overvoltage protection enables safe charging with unregulated or aftermarket adapters
  • Up to 1.1-A charge rate
  • Integrated 50-mA LDO supplies power to external circuits, such as a USB transceiver
  • Production test mode regulates 4.2-V output without battery connection, and supplies up to 2.3 A
  • Selectable 100-mA or 500-mA USB current limit complies with USB standard
  • Input voltage dynamic power management provides protection against poor USB sources

Find out more about TI’s battery charge management portfolio:

About Texas Instruments:

Texas Instruments (NYSE: TXN) helps customers solve problems and develop new electronics that make the world smarter, healthier, safer, greener and more fun.  A global semiconductor company, TI innovates through manufacturing, design and sales operations in more than 25 countries.  For more information, go to


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