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V3Link SerDes

FPD-Link 的互補性工業級高速視訊 SerDes 產品組合適用於醫療、監控等

V3Link SerDes IC 為高速串聯器和解串器,可透過纜線從電路板傳送未經壓縮的原始視訊、資料及電源。V3Link SerDes 與業界標準感測器及顯示器介面相容,可搭配各種纜線及連接器類型使用。使用 V3Link SerDes 可將晶片和纜線最小化、將多部攝影機同步,以及/或在系統中啟用 AI 和高性能處理作業。如需更多選項,請考慮我們符合車用規格的 FPD-Link SerDes。



V3Link 攝影機 SerDes

V3Link 攝影機裝置透過業界標準 MIPI CSI-2 及平行介面,將處理器連接至成像儀、光達、雷達等。

V3Link 顯示器 SerDes

V3Link 顯示裝置透過混合搭配 HDMI、MIPI CSI-2 和 DSI、OpenLDI、RGB、DVI、eDP/DP 等,將處理器連接至觸控式螢幕顯示器。

V3Link 攝影機套件

ArduCam 多通道攝影機模組快速原型設計套件以 V3Link SerDes 裝置為基礎。  

精選 V3Link 產品組合

選擇 V3Link SerDes 的理由



V3Link SerDes 可透過單一線路同時傳輸高速視訊、電源、雙向時鐘、控制、GPIO、I2C、I2S 等,可實現微型微同軸纜線。






固有的優異訊號完整性高達 15m,加上許多新增功能,確保您的資料即使在嚴苛環境中仍能完整送達。


V3Link's proven, cutting-edge SerDes data transport ICs slim down cables and form factors without sacrificing on cost, video quality, or power consumption.
Cable routing through small spaces and flexing hinges prove to be major roadblocks that V3Link easily clears, while enabling lower BOM with fewer and smaller chips and cables.
Our high-speed V3Link SerDes ICs aggregate and synchronize multiple sensors for faster processing and decisionmaking in a scalable, future-proof topology to ensure customer success.
Our high-speed V3Link SerDes ICs aggregate and syncronize multiple camera feeds while enabling AI decisionmaking in real time, critical for identifying and tracking people and items as they move throu

V3Link's proven, cutting-edge SerDes data transport ICs slim down cables and form factors without sacrificing on cost, video quality, or power consumption.

Smaller, faster, and more reliable is the name of the game in medical imaging equipment such as endoscopes and surgical robots. 

Fundamental system needs:

  • Reliable uninterrupted video across cable length
  • Live, real-time control of imager and GPIO settings
  • Fewest and smallest chips and cables
  • Simple connection for easier manufacturing of disposable endoscopes Low power for better heat management
  • Synchronized embedded clock to camera and all connected peripherals
  • Compatibility to industry-standard interfaces used in smallest camera modules
  • Resistance to issues caused by cable wear and tear


  • TSER953 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 串聯器
  • TDES954 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 解串列雙集線器

Cable routing through small spaces and flexing hinges prove to be major roadblocks that V3Link easily clears, while enabling lower BOM with fewer and smaller chips and cables.

Cameras are paving the way in enabling smart home technologies, but introduce many challenges for system designers to overcome. Cable routing through small spaces and flexing hinges prove to be major roadblocks that V3Link easily clears, while enabling lower BOM with fewer and smaller chips and cables.

Fundamental system needs:

  • Fewest, smallest, and lowest cost chips and cables
  • Simple connection for easier manufacturing + scalability
  • Low power operation
  • Multi-camera aggregation
  • Compatibility to industry-standard interfaces
  • Resistance to issues caused by aging cables


  • TSER953 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 串聯器
  • TDES954 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 解串列雙集線器

Our high-speed V3Link SerDes ICs aggregate and synchronize multiple sensors for faster processing and decisionmaking in a scalable, future-proof topology to ensure customer success.

Autonomous industrial and mobile robots are leveraging AI and sensor fusion to create real-time machine vision "safety cages" for accident avoidance. 

Fundamental system needs:

  • Reliable uninterrupted video across cable length
  • Low and deterministic latency for precise timing
  • Live, real-time control of imager and GPIO settings
  • Aggregated video streams to industry-standard processor interfaces
  • Synchronized embedded clock to sensors and all connected peripherals
  • Resistance to issues caused by cable wear and tear
  • Fewest and smallest chips and cables


  • TSER953 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 串聯器
  • TDES960 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 解串列四集線器

Our high-speed V3Link SerDes ICs aggregate and syncronize multiple camera feeds while enabling AI decisionmaking in real time, critical for identifying and tracking people and items as they move throu

Asset tracking is key to retail success in the suppy chain, from automated sorting lines in warehouses to inventory management and payment in cashierless checkout stores.

Fundamental system needs:

  • Reliable uninterrupted video across cable length
  • Low, deterministic latency for precise timing
  • Video forwarding capability to redundant processors
  • Live, real-time control of imager, GPIO settings
  • Aggregated video streams to industry-standard processor interfaces
  • Synchronized embedded clock to sensors and all connected peripherals
  • Fewest, smallest chips and cables


  • TSER953 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 串聯器
  • TDES960 – 適用高速感測器的 4.16-Gbps MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link 解串列四集線器


V3Link™ 工業 SerDes IC
進一步了解我們全新 V3Link™ 工業 SerDes IC。此網路研討會包括 V3Link™ 簡介、解決高速視訊連結的難題,以及全新 V3Link™ 晶片組和功能。
什麼是 V3Link™ SerDes?
V3Link™ 是一種高速雙向視訊 SerDes 技術,允許用一條幾公尺以上電線以未壓縮方式傳輸視訊數據、控制訊號和電源。進一步了解及探索一般應用。
Technical article
Technical article
How to transfer high-resolution video data over a single wire in machine vision-ba
V3Link™ 裝置提供多功能的鏈路技術,適用於需要即時擷取、傳輸及分析高解析度視訊資料的大部分應用。 
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