RS-232 收發器


我們的收發器產品組合提供高靜電放電保護,以強化 RS-232 訊號可靠性。我們的整合式裝置電壓範圍最低可達 1.8 V,並提供各種通道配置和資料速率,可在嚴苛環境中提供可靠通訊。



高 ESD 收發器

使用我們的 RS-232 收發器和整合式 IEC-ESD 61000-4-2,支援最高 ±15-kV 氣隙放電、±8-kV CDM 和 ±15-kV HBM,為嚴苛環境進行設計並節省電路板空間。


使用具備多種通道配置的 RS-232 收發器,為需要高達 1 Mbps 資料速率的應用進行最佳化。


以採用 QFN 封裝,體積只有 16 mm2 且與 1.8-V 處理器介面相容的 RS-232 收發器,為小型電池供電應用進行設計。

精選 RS-232 收發器

RS-232 收發器

具有 ±9V 輸出和 ±15kV IEC ESD 防護的 5V 多通道 120kbps RS-232 線路驅動器/接收器

約略價格 (USD) 1ku | 0.65

為何選擇我們的 RS-232 產品組合?



透過多通道、低雜訊靈敏度 RS-232 收發器,提供靈活性與可靠性



RS-232 可讓通訊距離長達 15 公尺且無需使用軟體,讓您能更輕鬆進行設計



透過我們 RS-232 裝置具電源效率的功能及小型封裝,提升成本效益。


Application note
Application note
RS-232 Glossary and Selection Guide
本文件概述了 RS-232 標準,提供了關鍵電氣和時序規格的說明,並提供了一個選擇指南,可協助您爲特定應用選擇正確的 RS-232。
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Technical article
Technical article
How to choose a TVS diode for RS-232, RS-485 and CAN based on voltage ratings
了解 RS-232、RS-485 和控制器區域網路 (CAN) 應用的電壓參數與適當 TVS 二極體類型。
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Technical article
Technical article
Active RS-232 power consumption: Why isn’t it in the data sheet?
瞭解為何多數 RS-232 新裝置至少有一個主動電流或電源規格,但許多裝置卻沒有。
document-pdfAcrobat PDF


Explore our RS-232 device portfolio for your data center and enterprise designs.
Our RS-232 devices help you increase security and safety in your factory and automation control applications.
Achieve fast data speeds while reducing power consumption in your wired networking designs

Explore our RS-232 device portfolio for your data center and enterprise designs.

Our products for your rack server, server motherboard, and other data center and enterprise applications include RS-232 transceivers suitable for connecting with microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors, with multiple transmitter and receiver configurations (one and one, two and two, and three and five). Devices with integrated level shifters enable interfacing with low-voltage MCUs, while a variety of package options include very thin quad flat no-lead.

Our RS-232 devices help you increase security and safety in your factory and automation control applications.

For your industrial PC, programmable logic controller or other factory automation and control designs, our RS-232 devices have International Electrotechnical Commission electrostatic discharge protection as high as 15 kV on all pins, to protect against electrostatic discharges encountered during handling and assembly. Operating temperatures from –40°C to 85°C and 0°C to 70°C – with even wider ranges in our automotive-qualified (-Q1) (–40°C to 125°C) and Enhanced Product (-EP) (–55°C to 125°C) devices – enable protected, secure communication.


  • TIDA-00163 – 隔離式 RS-232 至 UART 轉換器參考設計
  • TIDA-00540 – RS-485 / RS-232 多協定收發器參考設計
  • TIDA-00557 – 適用於保護繼電器、IED 和變電所自動化的 RS-232 數據機介面模組參考設計

Achieve fast data speeds while reducing power consumption in your wired networking designs

For your edge router, small business switches or other wired networking designs, communicate with other peripherals at the data rates you need, with devices that have speeds ranging from 7 kbps to 1 Mbps. Even at these fast speeds, it is still possible to reduce power consumption through our power-down features (power down, auto power down and auto power down plus) and wide availability of supply voltages (2.5 V to 12 V).


TRS3122E:RS-232 收發器 BoosterPack™ 插入式模組

BOOSTXL-RS232 是用於 TI LaunchPad™ 開發套件的 BoosterPack™ 外掛程式模組。BOOSTXL-RS232 利用業界第一款 1.8-V 無電感器低功耗 RS-232 收發器 TRS3122E,實現快速 RS-232 原型設計。此電路板配備 DB-9 連接器和 LaunchPad 開發套件的標準 40 針腳標頭。這些搭配一起後,可提供與 LaunchPad 開發套件和外部 RS-232 序列埠簡易連接的方式。BoosterPack 外掛程式模組也配備標頭,可讓 TRS3122E 的驅動器輸入與接收器輸出被指派至連接的 LaunchPad (...)

具有 ESD 保護功能的 TRS3232EIRGT 多通道 RS-232 線路驅動器/接收器評估模組
This evaluation module is used to evaluate the TRS3232E with RGT package. All signals are available through headers and test points. The charge pump output V+ and V- are accessible too. The board interfaces data and control CMOS logic levels on the terminal block to RS-232 levels supporting data (...)
TRS3122E: 1.8V RS-232 收發器評估模組
The TRS3122EEVM is an evaluation module for the TRS3122E, a 1.8V high-speed RS-232 transceiver. The module enables device evaluation using the installed DB-9 connector and terminal block. The board can be set in a loopback state for very simple evaluation or operated in tandem with diagnostic (...)

與RS-232 收發器相關的參考設計
