隔離式數位輸入在感測器輸入或其他輸入類型與主機控制器介面的邏輯輸出間提供電氣隔離。相較於傳統的光耦合器解決方案,我們的隔離式數位輸入裝置提供具準確電流限制的簡單、低功率替代方案。TI 的隔離式數位輸入解決方案最多可提供 8 個通道,因此可在單一裝置中節省大量空間,並降低複雜性。這個光耦合器替代方案可為 PLC、AC 與伺服驅動器及防護繼電器或變電所自動化電網應用,設計精巧且高密度的 I/O 模組。
Application brief
How To Simplify Isolated 24V PLC Digital Input Module Designs (Rev. C)
您設計的是 PLC 數位輸入模組嗎?了解隔離式數位輸入如何簡化 IEC61131-2 Type 1、Type 2 及 Type 3 標準的設計。
Technical article
What are isolated digital inputs?
了解隔離式數位輸入與數位隔離器有何不同,以及前者為何是專為可編程邏輯控制 (PLC)、馬達控制與電網應用而設計。
Application brief
How to Improve Speed and Reliability of Isolated Digital Inputs in Motor Drives
This reference design shows a compact implementation of 16 isolated digital input channels using TI's ISO121x devices. The design is split into two groups of eight channels each. A broken wire detection can be executed using only one additional optical switch for each channel or two optical (...)
Sub 1-W、16 通道隔離式數位輸入模組參考設計
This reference design shows a compact implementation of 16 isolated digital input channels using TI's ISO121x devices. The design works without an isolated supply and supports up to 100-kHz input signals (200-kbit) per channel. All 16 channels consume less than 1-W input power combined, which (...)
用於 PLC 的 96 通道雙向數位輸入模組參考設計
This reference design is a compact implementation of 96 isolated digital input channels using the ISO1212, an isolated digital input receiver. This design shows the current limit feature of the ISO1212 device which has better thermal performance than traditional optocoupler solutions. This design (...)