我們的小型推挽式變壓器驅動器提供簡單的電源供應替代方案,可替代含低電磁干擾 (EMI) 的整合式隔離電源解決方案。我們的變壓器驅動器專為驅動小型中心分接變壓器而設計,可提供高效率、可自訂且靈活的設計選擇,有助於降低系統成本並提升可靠性,支援需注重尺寸或低放射裝置的汽車 HEV/EV 應用,以及會產生高系統雜訊的電網基礎設施應用。
Application brief
How to Isolate Signal and Power for an RS-485 System (Rev. C)
了解如何透過 3.3-V 或 5-V 輸入與 12-V 或 15-V 輸出的訊號與電源隔離精簡設計。
Application brief
How to Isolate Signal and Power for an RS-485 System (Rev. C)
探索各種適用於不同 RS-485 精巧設計解決方案的隔離訊號與電源方式。
HEV/EV 牽引逆變器功率級
具有 3 種 IGBT/SiC 偏壓電壓解決方案的 HEV/EV 牽引逆變器功率級參考設計
This reference design presents a traction inverter single-phase power stage with three 12-V car battery inputs, 4.2-W bias supply solutions for hybrid electric vehicle and electric vehicle (HEV/EV) systems. All bias-supply solutions accept a wide input range of 4.5 V to 42 V DC from a 12-V car (...)
適用於功能隔離式 RS-485、CAN 和 I2C 數據傳輸的通訊模組參考設計
The TIDA-01281 reference design is low cost, high efficiency, isolated RS-485, I2C & CAN communication module solution intended for use in industrial systems such as Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) and energy storage banks that require isolated communication and isolated power for (...)