乙太網路供電 (PoE) IC

適用 PoE 設計互通性與靈活性的 PSE 和 PD

我們的乙太網路供電 (PoE) IC 提供高度互通性、可靠性、便利性與完整系統解決方案,適合想以乙太網路纜線輕鬆供電的使用者。我們為乙太網路交換器設計人員提供可配置系統韌體解決方案 (FirmPSE),以及可互通的供電裝置 (PD) 與電源設備 (PSE) 控制器。我們也提供完整的 PoE 乙太網路聯盟認證設計產品組合,為您實現可能夠取得 PoE 1 及 PoE 2 標誌的系統。



具有自主模式的 Type-4、四對、8 通道 PoE PSE 控制器

約略價格 (USD) 1ku | 3.355


Technical article
Technical article
The ABCs and 123s of PoE
取得更多有關 PoE 產業標準的資訊,包括 PoE 條款及乙太網路聯盟標誌計畫。 
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PoE 認證計畫簡介
觀賞此影片了解乙太網路聯盟認證計畫,以及我們的 PoE 設計如何為 PoE 客戶帶來真正的隨插即用體驗。
乙太網路供電 (PoE) 訓練系列
初學者和較進階的使用者都能透過我們的 PoE 影片系列,了解為乙太網路連線終端設備供電的 PoE 技術。


Add PoE to your lighting applications and take intelligent building systems to the next level
Adding PoE to Internet of Things (IoT) applications enables a smarter and more efficient grid
Reduce the cabling requirements and complexity of your wired networks with our Ethernet Alliance-certified PoE-capable devices

Add PoE to your lighting applications and take intelligent building systems to the next level

In intelligent building designs, PoE offers these benefits:

  • Lower installation costs with greater flexibility; voltages less than 60 V may eliminate the need for an electrician, enabling plug-and-play capability
  • Connected lighting; each light fixture's unique Internet Protocol address enables intelligent lighting control
  • Achievable low standby power modes keep sensors and other intelligence on while lighting is off, enabling fast turnon


  • TIDA-01463 – 採用 IEEE802.3bt 乙太網路供電 (PoE) 的連線 LED 照明參考設計
  • TPS23881 – 具 200mΩ RSENSE 的 4 對 Type-4、8 通道 PoE PSE
  • TPS2372 – 具自動 MPS 和自動分類的 IEEE 802.3bt PoE 高功率 PD 介面
  • TPS2373 – 具有進階啟動功能的 IEEE 802.3bt PoE 高功率 PD 介面

Adding PoE to Internet of Things (IoT) applications enables a smarter and more efficient grid

IoT applications deliver more information and connectivity throughout infrastructures to conserve resources and save money. PoE provides:

  • Cost savings through faster, easier, low-voltage installations
  • Improved flexibility and control; it is possible to move and reconnect devices without hiring an electrician
  • Enhanced capability with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 802.3bt standard for higher power


  • TIDM-TM4C129POE – 適用於物聯網連線的 TM4C129POE 乙太網路供電 (PoE) 參考設計
  • TIDM-1018 – 工業閘道的乙太網路供電® (PoE) 參考設計
  • TIDA-010083 – 適用於機器視覺攝影機和視覺感測器的高密度隔離式 PoE 和 GigE 參考設計
  • TPS23753A – 具強化 ESD 穿越功能的 IEEE 802.3-2005 PoE 介面和隔離式轉換控制器
  • TPS23755 – IEEE 802.3at PoE PD 與無光耦返馳 DC-DC 控制器
  • TPS23758 – 具無光返馳 DC-DC 控制器的 IEEE 802.3at PoE PD

Reduce the cabling requirements and complexity of your wired networks with our Ethernet Alliance-certified PoE-capable devices

Our power-sourcing equipment and powered device integrated circuits help you take your wired networks to the next level by:

  • Enabling system integration to deploy powered devices when alternative power is not available
  • Significantly reducing the cost of installation and cabling for systems
  • Ensuring interoperablity between devices



  • TIDM-1018 – 工業閘道的乙太網路供電® (PoE) 參考設計
  • TIDA-050026-23881 – 適合多埠應用的 24 埠 (PoE 2、4 對) 電源設備參考設計
  • TPS23881 – 具 200mΩ RSENSE 的 4 對 Type-4、8 通道 PoE PSE
  • TPS23882 – 具有 SRAM 和 200mΩ RSENSE 的 Type-3、雙對 8 通道 PoE PSE 控制器
  • TPS23861 – 具自主模式的 2 對、Type-2、4 通道 PoE PSE


適合多埠應用的 24 埠 (PoE 2、4 對) 電源設備參考設計
This reference design showcases a Type-4 (PoE 2, 4-Pair) 24-port Ethernet switch for Power over Ethernet (PoE) applications which can send up to 90W per port for for IEEE 802.3bt (PoE 2) applications and up to 120W per port for non-standard applications. Based on the MSP430F523x family, our (...)
Type-3 IEEE802.3bt 就緒主動箝位順向轉換器 PoE 供電裝置參考設計
This TI reference design showcases a Type-3, Class 6, 51-W active clamp forward converter for powered devices (PD) through PoE. The TPS23730 PD controller provides detection and classification while also containing a PWM controller. This design takes in a 37-V to 57-V PoE input, and outputs a 5-V (...)
適用於機器視覺攝影機和視覺感測器的高密度隔離式 PoE 和 GigE 參考設計
Power over Ethernet (PoE) offers an easy and reliable solution to combine power and data in one cable with high data rate and long reach. This combination makes PoE ideal for small devices such as machine vision cameras and vision sensors. This reference design implements a complete PoE powered (...)

與乙太網路供電 (PoE) IC相關的參考設計
