探索我們豐富且多樣的鎖存器和開關產品組合,涵蓋單極開關、全極開關和 1D/2D 鎖存器,可滿足您系統的需求。
TI 的霍爾效應鎖存器和開關擁有多種功能,如廣泛的電壓範圍、低功耗、多軸、高速與性能及可編程性,可滿足您的系統需求
我們提供 EVM、軟體、應用說明、參考設計、模擬工具 (TIMSS) 等資源,以及 TI E2E 等線上支援,幫助您將感測器整合到產品中
利用 TI 的磁性感測鎖存器和開關完善您的設計
- 延長系統電池使用壽命
- 延長電池使用壽命來降低成本
- 提高整體系統效率
- 減少熱產生
Designing With Hall-Effect Sensors for Rotary Flow Meter Applications
How Hall-Effect Sensors are Used in Electronic Smart Locks (Rev. A)
- 可操作在汽車、電網基礎設施及工廠自動化系統中最高供應 38V 的特定感測器。
- 反向極性、過熱與短路保護功能。
- 在馬達整流應用上非常實用。
Brushless DC Motor Commutation Using Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. B)
Designing With Hall-Effect Sensors for Rotary Flow Meter Applications
運用我們的多軸 2D 鎖存器增加電路板空間並降低整體系統成本
- 只需要單一積體電路 (IC),減少電路板空間與成本。
- 更大的配置靈活性,允許不同的印刷電路板 (PCB) 方向,並可減少 PCB 上佔用的空間量。
- 2D 鎖存器只需使用一個 IC 即可提供速度和方向資訊。
- 2D 鎖存器提供更高的解析度,減少依賴傳動比,達到更小的機械增量。
- 較低的磁性操作點 (BOP) 與磁釋放點 (BRP) 閾值可提供比磁鐵更佳的放置靈活性。
Hall Sensor and Magnet Selection for Auto Body Motor Module Design
- 具備快速感測位置變化的能力,可進行更精確的磁場量測。
- 一致且準確的位置資料。
- 低抖動和低傳播延遲組合,有助於提升功率效率和減少寄生系統級雜訊。
- 適用於高速應用或具有高磁極數的應用。
Brushless DC Motor Commutation Using Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. B)
Design Considerations & Measurement Results, Mechanical Hall-Effect Flow Meters
- 施加電壓或將電阻器連接到 ADJ 針腳,可對 2mT 至 15mT 的操作點 (BOP) 進行編程。
- 這款可調式 BOP 提供設計彈性、跨多平台裝置重複使用、輕鬆的最後一刻設計變更、簡易快速的原型設計,以及更短的模擬時間。
- 將數位轉類比轉換器連接到 ADJ 針腳而不是外部電阻器,即可建立軟體可編程的霍爾效應開關。
Implementing Programmability and Diagnostics With the TMAG5328 Resistor
TMAG5328 Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A)
TI Precision Labs - 磁性感測器
Transition Detection Using Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. A)
Incremental Rotary Encoders (Rev. B)
Optimize cost, performance, power and reliability with Hall-effect latches and switches
In appliances, you'll find our latches and switches used for on and off detection, liquid level sensing, knob and dial selection, brushless-DC motor commutation, and rotary encoding in applications such as cordless power tools, vacuum robots, washers and dryers, and refrigerators.
- Less than 1µA of current consumption extends battery life.
- 60kHz bandwidth enables fast and accurate sensor readings.
- Cost-optimized solutions reduce overall system expenses.
- Rigorous testing protocols help ensure reliable sensing.
- HALL-ADAPTER-EVM – 霍爾感測器匯接轉接器評估模組
- HALL-TRIGGER-EVM – 適用於具有外部現場保護之非接觸式、霍爾效應變動速度觸發器的評估模組
- Hall-Effect Sensors in Vacuum Robots – Application brief
- Brushless DC Motor Commutation Using Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. B) – Application brief
- TI-MAGNETIC-SENSE-SIMULATOR – 磁性模擬軟體,其中包括機械動作與感測器輸出
Leverage low-power modes and optimize costs with Hall-effect latches and switches
In building automation, you'll find our Hall-effect latches and switches used for open and close detection, tamper detection, and absolute position sensing in applications such as smart locks, door and window sensors, smoke and heat detectors, and wireless security cameras.
- Less than 1µA of current consumption extends battery life.
- Cost-optimized solutions reduce overall system expenses.
- Low power increases system efficiency.
- Tamper detection includes the ability to detect permanent magnets.
- HALL-ADAPTER-EVM – 霍爾感測器匯接轉接器評估模組
- HALL-HINGE-EVM – 用於霍爾效應轉軸的 TMAG5231 評估模組
- Position Sensing in Electronic Smart Locks Using Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. A) – Application note
- Understanding tamper detection sensors – Technical article
- TI-MAGNETIC-SENSE-SIMULATOR – 磁性模擬軟體,其中包括機械動作與感測器輸出
Explore a full portfolio of Hall-effect latches, ranging from high-performance solutions with low jitter and propagation delay to general-purpose products used in high-volume applications.
Our Hall-effect latches provide the ability to commutate brushless-DC motor designs by providing position sensing feedback, allowing the microcontroller to maximize torque and power efficiency.
- The portfolio spans high-performance and value products for industrial and automotive applications.
- Various magnetic sensitivities and package types enable mechanical flexibility and placement.
- A breadth of bandwidths enable use in high sampling environments as well as low-power applications.
- TIDA-00919 – 可實現高效率驅動的單層冰箱風扇參考設計
- TIDA-00196 – 12V 和 24V 無刷 DC 外轉機馬達參考設計
- Brushless DC Motor Commutation Using Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. B) – Application brief
- Introduction to Hall-Effect Sensors (Rev. B) – Product overview
- TI-MAGNETIC-SENSE-SIMULATOR – 磁性模擬軟體,其中包括機械動作與感測器輸出