透過提升的熱性能將 36V、4A 的功率密度最大化
每位電源供應器設計師都嘗試將效率最大化,並消除在 DC/DC 轉換中因熱損失的每一毫瓦。如果我說,TI 的電源模組不僅能夠提升 DC/DC 轉換效率,還能以更小的電源供應器體積執行,您會怎麼想?
TPSM53604 是 TI 電源模組產品組合中第一款採用增強型 HotRod™ QFN 封裝的裝置,其解決方案尺寸比競爭產品 BGA 解決方案小 30%,功率損耗也降低 300mW。觀看影片以進一步了解。
Space constraint applications often require smaller power supplies with high performance. The TPSM53604 power module from TI integrates a high performance IC in a ratable lead frame QFN package, which helps solve some of these density and performance challenges. Let me show you a few more details about the package construction of this power module.
Inside the module, the IC is mounted on a lead frame using copper pillars. This eliminates the use of bond wire, and together with the bypass capacitors really close to the IC, results in lower output noise. The inductor is mounted on top of the entire circuitry, and this allows the inductor to utilize the entire XY footprint of the module. With this 3D packaging approach and the high performance IC, we get a smaller footprint power module with lower power losses when compared to a BGA style package approach.
We can see this advantage here on the right. In this plot, we're comparing two modules, BGA style module and an RLF QFN module. With 24 volts input and 5 volts out at 3 amp load, we can see that the BGA style package dissipates quite a bit more power than the QFN type module.
Let me show you a quick demo of the power savings with the TPSM53604. With this bench setup here, on top we have two current meters measuring the input current to each board, we have two bench supplies setting the input at 24 volts, and we have two electronic loads loading the outputs of each board at about 3 amps each.
On the left, we have the TPSM53604 module mounted on an evaluation board, and on the right, we have the BGA type module, also mounted on its evaluation board. From the current meter reading, we can see that the TPSM53604 provides about a little over 300 milliwatts of power savings for this input and output condition.
I've shown you how the TPSM53604 achieves high power density without sacrificing performance. For more information on this module, please go to ti.com/PTSM53604. Thank you so much for watching.